Friday, 24 June 2011

Timbaktu Collective

Visited Timbaktu collective - - on the 21st and 22nd of June with Rama and Sabitha. Great experience! Also visited Dinesh's Millet processing plant at Kadiri -
Driving was a wonderful experience.

Monday, 13 June 2011


Been to a Kanakaabhisheka in Mysore today. It is really a wonderful thing to happen to that couple.
Been running - 2 1/2 miles this morning.
In the function, there was talk of a particular spiritual guru being a transgender. What if? The gossip showed how intolerant our society is to so called 'Deviance'.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Running - About 2 1/2 miles, later on 100 counts skipping, 2 counts 3 flights of staircase, 3 Suryanamaskars.
Elephants in Mysore! - We humans have snatched their homes.
Traffic Police (Corruption) - They selectively target vehicles and tow them away, in a No Parking Zone!
Ethics in Medical practise - an interesting edit in The New Indian Express -

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Role Models

Nicole Nenninger - - In one of her recent newsletters has this to say about Role Models -
"Actively seeking inspiration allows us to focus on the more positive aspects of life.  Instead of focusing on what is wrong with our lives, take the time to
look for beauty, for positivity, and for bringing up more empowering feelings within you.  When you feel inspired by others or by other things, you evoke
a feeling of wanting better for yourself.  We are reminded that we are worth it, that there is something better out there that we can be, do, or have. 
Getting in touch with these powerful emotions can inspire us to action....If you look for the good in life, inevitably your whole world changes. 
You won't have to look for inspiration as much because you will be inspiring!"
Another resource on this -