Wednesday 13 July 2011

How are Dates processed?

Wet dates are delicious and nutritious also. But how are they processed? Are any animal products used during the process? This led to an internet search. Preliminary results are in the negative! Thank God! Or else a wonderful fruit would have become a no-no.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


Yesterday evening a rash driver bumped into my parked van and sped away. I had to claim insurance on it and forego the NCB. Even if he had paid a part of the repair bill I could have maintained a clean record with the insurers. Are people today more aware of how insurance could be mis-used?

Saturday 9 July 2011

Wireless Network

Setting up a wireless network with the new router was fun. Configuring the modem and router was a challenge, but there are good resources available on the Internet. Also positioning the router at the right place in our building to access the signal at all places required rewiring of telephone cables. Finally, happy that the whole thing is up and running.